Morning Report

Morning Report 2024

General Info

Route Type:
Visit Type
Today's Role (HL)
Today's Role (PW)
Certified to use Roof Gear?
Roof gear required for all residential jobs and commercial jobs that require being on roof or in lift.

Roof Safety Gear

Rope Bag
2 Termination Plates (& Carabiners) and Throw Bag (& Throw Weight + Line)
Check items missing
50' & 200' Ropes
Inspect to ensure neither rope has any cuts, lumps, or abrasions.
Check items missing
Harness (& Rope Grab + Carabiners)
Inspect to ensure harness straps properly adjust and no burns or tears.
Check items missing
Does Rope Grab and Harness function properly?
Inspect to ensure that neither the rope grab or carabiner show excessive wear, corrosion, or damage. Both lock as expected.

Pickup- Inspection


Cab (Passenger Side)

All personal items are in truck
Rain poncho in both doors
Previous driver leave any trash (or personal items) in cab?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Restroom (Behind Driver)
Toilet, Tent, Tissue, & Bags (with powder)
Check items missing
First Aid Kit
Clipboard & Charging Cables
iPhone & USB-C Cables
Check items missing
10 Yard Signs (Behind Passenger)


Fire Extinguisher
DI Tank (with Hose Connection) & WC Brush
Check items missing
Must exchange DI Tank if greater than "0" before departing.
Safety Cones (Five) & Long/Short Guns
Check items missing
14' Gorilla & 24' Ladder (present & secured)
Check items missing
Do all ladders function properly?
Inspect to ensure ladder rungs and rails are secure with no dents or damage. Ladder rung locks are in place and function properly. Ladder feet and pads function properly without excessive wear.
Waterfed Pole & Puddle Sucker
Must have puddle sucker extension
Check items missing

Black Tote

Breakdown Kit
Jumper Cables & Towels
Check items missing
Protection Tote
Tape Rolls (2), & Plastic Sheeting (20)
Check items missing


2 Pump Sprayers & Batguard
Located inside two different square milk crates. On Mondays, will need to grab Batguard (& bucket) from beside cleaning station.
Check items missing
X-Jet Jug Equipment (2 Crates)
House Wash Tip, 2 Jugs (with caps) & Clear Hose (X-Jet Attached)
Check items missing
Shovel & Siphon Pump
Check items missing
Correct Water & SH Tank Levels
Level at black tape line
Check items missing
Lid screwed onto Water, SH, & Fuel tanks?
Check items missing
Equipment gas tank full?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Extra DI Resin

Equipment Test

Does Surface Cleaner appear to work property?
No clogged or missing spray nozzles, locked bar (won't spin), cracks in head, etc.
Does pressure washer have proper pressure (no sputtering)?
Ensure machine turns on with water spraying out of unloader block.
Are there any leaks in bypass or whip hose?
Two outlet hoses from machine. Bypass hose is black hose that connects machine back to buffer tank whereas whip hose connects machine to hose reel.
Any equipment repairs needed (all equipment free of any leaks?)? [pickups]
Filled water cooler attached to truck?
Special Equipment Needed? *

Isuzu- Lead Inspection

Cab (Passenger Side)

All personal items are in truck
Rain Poncho in both doors
Previous driver leave any trash (or personal items) in cab?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Jumper Cables
Above passenger visor
Restroom (Behind Driver)
Toilet, Tent, Tissue, & Bags (with powder)
Check items missing
First Aid Kit & Towels (Between Seats)
Check items missing
Charging Cables & Yard Signs
iPhone & USB-C
Check items missing

Behind Cab

Waterfed & Trad Poles
Check items missing
2 Gutter Canes (with straws) & Long/Short Guns
Check items missing

Underbody Tool Box

X-Jet Equipment
House Wash Tip, 2 Jugs (with caps), & Clear Hose (X-Jet Attached)
Check items missing
Pump Sprayers (4)


Protection Tote
Tape Rolls (2), Plastic Sheeting (20), Dump Hose, & Gutter Bag
Check items missing
DI Tank (with Hose Connection) & WC Brush
Extra DI resin below
Check items missing
Ladders present and properly secured *
Gorilla, 24', 32', & 40' Ladders
Check items missing
Do all ladders function properly?
Inspect to ensure ladder rungs and rails are secure with no dents or damage. Ladder rung locks are in place and function properly. Ladder feet and pads function properly without excessive wear.
Safety Cones (Five)
At least 1 Cone is in the last Ladder Rung.
Does the Air Compressor Turn on?
Instructions: 1. Close tank drain valves below 2. Align pilot valve vertically 3. Open fuel valve 4. Open choke valve 5. Dial to "On" position 6. Pull to Start (Repeat as needed) After compressor starts: 7. Shut off Choke 8. Close pilot valve
Does water spray from SH discharge hose with proper pressure?
No major sputtering or air pockets and must have consistent pressure.
Hydrant Meter
Box, Hydrant Meter, Hydrant Wrench, & ATL Wrench
Check items missing
Gutter Cleaning Equipment
Gutter Tool, 2 LadderLimbs, & 2 Buckets
Check items missing
Breakdown Kit
Breakdown Kit sideways, with yellow lid on black tote to keep out water.
Gas Can & Batguard
On Mondays, will need to grab Batguard (& bucket) from beside cleaning station.
Check items missing
Gas Can & Equipment Gas Tank Full?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Check items not full of gas
Lid screwed onto Water, SH, & Fuel tanks?
Check items missing
Correct Water & SH Tank Levels
Level at black tape line
Check items missing
Puddle Sucker & Shovel
Check items missing
Siphon Pump & Cooler
Check items missing
Any equipment repairs needed (all equipment free of any leaks?)? [Isuzu Lead]
Special Equipment Needed?

Isuzu- Solo Inspection

Cab (Passenger Side)

All personal items are in truck
Rain Poncho in both doors
Previous driver leave any trash (or personal items) in cab?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Jumper Cables
Restroom (Behind Driver)
Toilet, Tent, Tissue, & Bags (with powder)
Check items missing
First Aid Kit & Towels (Between Seats)
Check items missing
Charging Cables & Yard Signs
iPhone & USB-C
Check items missing

Behind Cab

Waterfed & Trad Poles
Check items missing
2 Gutter Canes (with straws) & Long/Short Guns
Check items missing
Siphon Pump

Underbody Tool Box

Ribbons (4 Large, 4 Small) & Foam Tubing
Filled water cooler attached to truck?
X-Jet Equipment
House Wash Tip, 2 Jugs (with caps), & Clear Hose (X-Jet Attached)
Check items missing
Pump Sprayers (4)


Protection Tote
Tape Rolls (2), Plastic Sheeting (20), Dump Hose, & Gutter Bag
Check items missing
DI Tank & WC Brush
Extra DI resin below
Must exchange DI Tank if greater than "0" before departing.
Ladders present and properly secured *
Gorilla, 24', 32', & 40' Ladders
Check items missing
Do all ladders function properly?
Inspect to ensure ladder rungs and rails are secure with no dents or damage. Ladder rung locks are in place and function properly. Ladder feet and pads function properly without excessive wear.
Safety Cones (Five)
Hydrant Meter
Box, Hydrant Meter, Hydrant Wrench, & ATL Wrench
Check items missing
Gutter Cleaning Equipment
Gutter Tool, 2 LadderLimbs, & 2 Buckets
Check items missing
Breakdown Kit
Breakdown Kit sideways, with yellow lid on black tote to keep out water.
Gas Can & Batguard
On Mondays, will need to grab Batguard (& bucket) from beside cleaning station.
Check items missing
Lid screwed onto Water, SH, & Fuel tanks?
Check items missing
Gas Can & Equipment Gas Tank Full?
Check items not full of gas

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Correct Water & SH Tank Levels
Level at black tape line
Puddle Sucker & Shovel
Check items missing
Filled water cooler attached to truck?

Equipment Test

Do both Surface Cleaners appear to work property?
No clogged or missing spray nozzles, locked bar (won't spin), cracks in head, etc.
Do both pressure washers have proper pressure (no sputtering)?
Ensure both machines turn on with water spraying out of unloader block.
Are there any leaks in bypass or whip hoses?
Two outlet hoses from machine. Bypass hose is black hose that connects machine back to buffer tank whereas whip hose connects machine to hose reel.
Does the Air Compressor Turn on?
Instructions: 1. Close tank drain valves below 2. Align pilot valve vertically 3. Open fuel valve 4. Open choke valve 5. Dial to "On" position 6. Pull to Start (Repeat as needed) After compressor starts: 7. Shut off Choke 8. Close pilot valve
Does water spray from SH discharge hose with proper pressure?
No major sputtering or air pockets and must have consistent pressure.
J-Rod nozzle and softwash handle present?
Handle wand as if full of SH.
Check items missing
Does softwash hose reel work properly?
Extend 6 ft of hose from reel, ensure it retracts properly.
Any equipment repairs needed (all equipment free of any leaks?)? [Isuzu Solo]
Special Equipment Needed?

Isuzu- Asst. Inspection

All personal items are in truck
Rain Poncho in both doors
Must exchange DI Tank if greater than "0" before departing.
Do both pressure washers have proper pressure (no sputtering)?
Ensure machine turns on with water spraying out of unloader block.
Are there any leaks in bypass or whip hoses?
Two outlet hoses from machine. Bypass hose is black hose that connects machine back to buffer tank whereas whip hose connects machine to hose reel.
Do both Surface Cleaners appear to work property?
No clogged or missing spray nozzles, locked bar (won't spin), cracks in head, etc.
J-Rod nozzle and softwash handle present?
Handle wand as if full of SH.
Check items missing
Does softwash hose reel work properly?
Extend 6 ft of hose from reel, ensure it retracts properly.
Any equipment repairs needed (all equipment free of any leaks?)? [Isuzu Assoc]

Install- Lead Inspection

Cougar Paw Boots with Covers
All personal items are in truck
Gloves and Dykes included.
Roof Safety Gear Loaded in Truck
Headlamps (2)
Batteries (2) Collected from Charging Station
Previous driver leave any trash (or personal items) in cab?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Cab (Passenger Side)

Restroom (Behind Driver)
Toilet, Tent, Tissue, & Bags (with powder)
Jumper Cables & Large Measuring Wheel
First Aid Kit
Clipboard & Charging Cables
iPhone & USB-C Cables
10 Yard Signs (Behind Passenger)

Prepared Bulb Totes

Bins Loaded from Staging Area
Reinstall, custom, and dynamic bins are located in the staging area for each truck.
WW- Unclipped (2) >50% Full
27 Gallon Bins (2) with Warm White Lights. One free, one zip-tied.
WW- Large Mini (2 Full)
27 Gallon Bins (2) holding 72 Minis. One free, one zip-tied.
Tool Belts (2) & Knee Pads (2)
Located in Misc. Bin
75 bulb containers for Litenetics (2)
Located in Misc. Bin
Multi-Clip Container & X-Wire
Located in Misc. Tool Belt Bin
Orange Extension Cord (on Reel) & Timers (Min. 6)
Located in Misc. Bin
Two 100' spools of Litnetics


Required Wreath Quantities
6 48" Wreaths 2 36" Wreaths 2 30" Wreaths
12" Bow Bin (4 Ct) & Foam Insert
Garland Strands - 2 Boxes of 2 Ct (4 Total)

7 Gallon Bins

Shingle Tabs Bins (2) Full
One free, one zip-tied.
Tuff Clip Bins (2) Full
One free, one zip-tied.
Stake Clip Bins (2) Full
One free, one zip-tied.
Catch All Bin

Ladder Rack

Safety Cones (Four)
Waterfed Pole & Trad Pole (w/red tip)
24" Pitch Hoppers (2) & 32" Pitch Hopper (1)
Ladders present and properly secured *
Gorilla, 24', 32', & 40' Ladders
Do all ladders function properly?
Inspect to ensure ladder rungs and rails are secure with no dents or damage. Ladder rung locks are in place and function properly. Ladder feet and pads function properly without excessive wear.

Install- Asst. Inspection

Cougar Paw Boots with Covers
Gloves and Dykes
All personal items are in truck
Rain poncho in both doors

Clear Packout Container

Binder Clips Container (>50% Full)
New Sockets, X-Wire, & C9 Bulbs (Full)
Male & Female Plugs (>75% Full)

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Zip Tie Bin (>50% Full)
Parapet Clips (>50% Full)
Drill Bit, Philips Head Bit, & Socket Bit
TapCon & Wood Screws (>50% Full)

Maximum file size: 134.22MB


Small Cutters (8) & Tape Measures (2)
Glue Sticks (6 Min.) & Putty Knife
Duct Tape & Black Electrical Tape (2 Rolls)
Tape Carabiner- Red, Yellow, & Green
DeWalt Staplers (2) & Box of Staples (>50% Full)
Colored Zip Tie Bags (2)

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

ELF Hook & Putty Knife
Electric Tester (3) & GFCI (3)
3-Way Adapters (3) & ELF Hook

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

RGB Boxes & RBG Remote (5 Min.)
RGB Coaxial Cable Slot Full (Min. 5 Cables)
RBG, Pure White, Green, & Red Bulbs (>50% Full)

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Rubber Mallet & C-Clamp
ELF Cap & Glue Gun
Hammer Drill & Battery w/ Charger
Mallet & Lawn Staples (>50% Full)
Two Containers of C9 bulbs

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Other Items

Required Wreath Quantities
6 48" Wreaths 2 36" Wreaths 2 30" Wreaths
Garland Strands (4)
Goat Assist (5 Sections)
Includes 5 sections and the pitch hook
Additional Gorilla Ladder & Cooler

Equipment Repair

Can this issue be fixed on job site
Has broken item been replaced?
House Soap (>50% Full) *
Is item tagged & on broken equipment shelf (if removable)

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Takedown- Lead Inspection

Cougar Paw Boots with Covers
Knife, Gloves, and Dykes
All personal items are in truck
Rain poncho in both doors
Previous driver leave any trash (or personal items) in cab?

Cab (Passenger Side)

Restroom (Behind Driver)
Toilet, Tent, Tissue, & Bags (with powder)
First Aid Kit
Clipboard & Charging Cables
iPhone & USB-C Cables
10 Yard Signs (Behind Passenger)

Bed of Pickup

10 14-Gallon Totes
10 27-Gallon Totes
20 Yellow Lids
24" Pitch Hoppers (2)
7 Gallon Tote
ELF Hook
Black Zip Ties
Colored Zip Ties
Black Sharpies x2
White Duct Tape x2

Takedown- Asst. Inspection

Cougar Paw Boots with Covers
Knife, Gloves, and Dykes
Filled water cooler in bed of truck?
All personal items are in truck
Rain poncho in both doors

Ladder Rack

Safety Cones (Four)
Waterfed Pole (w/ black tip) & Trad Pole (w/red tip)
Ladders present and properly secured *
Small Gorilla, Tall Gorilla, 24', 32', & 40' Ladders
Do all ladders function properly?
Inspect to ensure ladder rungs and rails are secure with no dents or damage. Ladder rung locks are in place and function properly. Ladder feet and pads function properly without excessive wear.

Hidden Items


Binder Clips Container (>25% Full)

Other Items

New Sockets & C9 Bulbs (Full)
White Tape Roll & Sharpies (2)
Male & Female Plugs (>75% Full)
Small Cutters (4) & Tape Measures
Electric Tester & Replacement Blades
Glue Sticks (6 Min.) & Multi-Tip Screwdriver
Duct Tape & Black Electrical Tape (2 Rolls)
DeWalt Staplers (2) & Box of Staples (>50% Full)
3-Way Adapters (2)
Tape Carabiner- Red, Yellow, & Green
Black Zip Tie Bags (2)
GFCI Cord (2)
RGB Cables & RBG Remote (5 Min.)
RGB Coaxial Cable Slot Full
RBG Bulbs (>50% Full)
Rubber Mallet & C-Clamp
ELF Cap & Glue Gun
TapCon & Wood Screw Boxes (>50% Full)
Lawn Stakes & Ground Stakes (>50)
Male & Female Plug Containers
Correct Amount of Clips
100 Multi-Clips (1 bag), 100 Parapet Clips (1 bag), 200 Shingle Tabs (2 bags), 50 Tuff Clips (2 bags), 75 C9 Bulbs (3 bags)
Hammer Drill (with bit & charger)
Dynamic- Mini (Full)
14 Gallon holding 36 Minis
Male & Female Plug Containers
Dynamic Unclipped
27 Gallon Unclipped Dynamic Bin (1)
Check items missing
Cable Caddy (Socket & X-Wire)
Remote Adapter & Remote Switch
Timers (5 min.) & X-Wire
Fuel Cards & Clipboard
Vehicle & Equipment Cards
Check items missing
Fuel Cards (Driver Visor)
Vehicle & Equipment Cards
House Soap Jug (>50% Full)
Located inside same rectangle milk crates.
House Soap (>50% Full) *
Do both pressure hose ball valves work property to stop water?
No leaks in quick connects or when valve shut.
Fuel Cards (Driver Visor)
Vehicle & Equipment Cards
Fuel Cards & Clipboard
Vehicle & Equipment Cards
Check items missing
Fuel Cards (Driver Visor)
Vehicle & Equipment Cards
Does the Air Compressor Turn on?
Instructions: 1. Close tank drain valves below 2. Align pilot valve vertically 3. Open fuel valve 4. Open choke valve 5. Dial to "On" position 6. Pull to Start (Repeat as needed) After compressor starts: 7. Shut off Choke 8. Close pilot valve
Does softwash hose reel work properly?
Extend 6 ft of hose from reel, ensure it retracts properly.
Do both pressure hose ball valves work property to stop water?
No leaks in quick connects or when valve shut.
J-Rod nozzle and softwash handle present?
Handle wand as if full of SH.
Does water spray from SH discharge hose with proper pressure?
No major sputtering or air pockets and must have consistent pressure.

Breakdown Kit Inspection (Assistant/Solo)

Bin #1

Combo Nut Driver
Looks like a endless screwdriver and is used to tighten hose clamps.
Reversible Screwdriver
9/16" Combo Wrench
Small wrench that doesn't adjust. Used to change out Surface Cleaner bar or nozzles.
10" Vice-Grip Wrench
Locking adjustable wrench that is used to exchange soft wash wand or dump valve.
8" Crescent Wrench
Adjustable wrench that is used to remove surface cleaner bar and quick connects.

Bin #2

O-Rings (1/4", 3/8", & Garden Hose)
Check items missing
Dental Pick Set
Two picks used to change out busted o-rings inside quick connects.
Ball Valve
Attaches to end of pressure hose to allow for changing attachments.

Bin #3

Hose Clamps (2)
Used to secure hose to fitting such as garden hose.
Female & Male Hose Mender (2 of each)
Used to repair either end of garden hose.
Check items missing
Straight & Tee Push Fittings for WC (2 of each)
Used to fix window cleaning hose.
Check items missing
3/8" Splicers (2)
Brass fittings with yellow ring for repairing hole in bypass hose that connects pressure washer with buffer tank when trigger not pulled.

Bin #4

Spigot Splitter & Water Key
Splitter allows two garden hoses to connect to a single spigot. Key is used to turn on water at commercial facilities.
Check items missing

Bin #5

3/8" Male Plug & Socket Quick Connects (2 of each)
Check items missing
Teflon Tape (1 Roll)

Bin #6


Bin #7

PB Blaster
Surface Cleaner bar & SoftWash Wand (Isuzu Only)
Ensure items are working and no one put broken one in by mistake.
Dump Valve (Isuzu Only)
Ensure item is working and no one put broken one in by mistake.
Check items missing

Breakdown Kit Inspection (Pickup & Exterior Cleaning)

Bin #1

Combo Nut Driver
Looks like a endless screwdriver and is used to tighten hose clamps.
Reversible Screwdriver
9/16" Combo Wrench
Small wrench that doesn't adjust. Used to change out Surface Cleaner bar or nozzles.
10" Vice-Grip Wrench
Locking adjustable wrench that is used to exchange soft wash wand or dump valve.
8" Crescent Wrench
Adjustable wrench that is used to remove surface cleaner bar and quick connects.

Bin #2

O-Rings (1/4", 3/8", & Garden Hose)
Check items missing
Dental Pick Set
Two picks used to change out busted o-rings inside quick connects.
Ball Valve
Attaches to end of pressure hose to allow for changing attachments.

Bin #3

Hose Clamps (2)
Used to secure hose to fitting such as garden hose.
Female & Male Hose Mender (2 of each)
Used to repair either end of garden hose.
Check items missing
Straight & Tee Push Fittings for WC (2 of each)
Used to fix window cleaning hose.
Check items missing
3/8" Splicers (2)
Brass fittings with yellow ring for repairing hole in bypass hose that connects pressure washer with buffer tank when trigger not pulled.

Bin #4

Spigot Splitter & Water Key
Splitter allows two garden hoses to connect to a single spigot. Key is used to turn on water at commercial facilities.
Check items missing

Bin #5

3/8" Male Plug & Socket Quick Connects (2 of each)
Check items missing
Teflon Tape (1 Roll)

Bin #6


Bin #7

PB Blaster
Surface Cleaner bar & SoftWash Wand (Isuzu Only)
Ensure items are working and no one put broken one in by mistake.
Dump Valve (Isuzu Only)
Ensure item is working and no one put broken one in by mistake.
Check items missing

Notes & Signature