Evening Report

Evening Report 2024

General Info

Route Type:
Which Holiday Light Visit?
Today's Role (PW)
Is it Friday?
Today's Role (HL)
Today's number of assistants:
Any equipment repairs needed (all equipment free of any leaks)?

Isuzu- Lead Inspection

Fueled up machine's aluminum fuel tank and plastic gas jug (Air Pump) at QuikTrip?
Fuel up the truck (1/3 tank or less)? *
Buffer tank drained to black line?
Neutralize truck exterior (turn off spigot after)?
Air drained out of air compressor, gas burned off in carburetor AND compressor is "OFF?"
Compressor Instructions: 1. Close tank drain valves below 2. Align pilot valve vertically 3. Open fuel valve 4. Open choke valve 5. Dial to "On" position 6. Pull to Start (Repeat as needed) After compressor starts: 7. Shut off Choke 8. Close pilot valve
All SH ball valves are closed?
Wand & Drain

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Dirty towels put in laundry hamper & replaced with clean towels?
All single-use supplies and extra equipment restocked?
Supplies: tape, ponchos, eye wash, ear plugs, etc. Equipment: sc bar, sw wand, discharge valve, hose, X-Jet jug, & pump sprayer. Supplies located next to roll up door on "M Rack" (above "Broken Equipment Shelf").
Roof safety gear is not in the truck and is properly put away?
Cab windows are rolled down?
Equipment is left organized and neat?
At least 1 Cone is in the last Ladder Rung.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken with the tailgate down from behind for pickups and from passenger side on Isuzu.
All personal items have been removed from the truck?
Truck keys left on designated hook (center cup holder if hook missing)

Isuzu- Solo Inspection

Fueled up machine's aluminum fuel tank and plastic gas jug (Air Pump) at QuikTrip?
Fuel up the truck (1/3 tank or less)? *
All trash has been removed from cab, bed, and toolbox of truck?
Buffer tank drained to black line and valve closed?
Water cooler emptied and left on warehouse shelf?
Upside-down (with lid above or behind) on top of corresponding shelf number.
Neutralize truck exterior (turn off spigot after)?
Air drained out of air compressor, gas burned off in carburetor AND compressor is "OFF?"
Compressor Instructions: 1. Close tank drain valves below 2. Align pilot valve vertically 3. Open fuel valve 4. Open choke valve 5. Dial to "On" position 6. Pull to Start (Repeat as needed) After compressor starts: 7. Shut off Choke 8. Close pilot valve
All SH ball valves are closed?
Wand & Drain

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

SH tank on truck has been filled to tape?
Dirty towels put in laundry hamper & replaced with clean towels?
All single-use supplies and extra equipment restocked?
Supplies: tape, ponchos, eye wash, ear plugs, etc. Equipment: sc bar, sw wand, discharge valve, hose, X-Jet jug, & pump sprayer. Supplies located next to roll up door on "M Rack" (above "Broken Equipment Shelf").
Rider sign removed ("Coming Soon")?
Restock yard signs/stands in cab (8 min)?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo of brush quick connected directly to DI Tank. Ensure that bristles are facing up so protected from possible damage.
House wash tip & x-jet placed in jug valley inside toolbox and hose rolled neatly below?
Equipment is left organized and neat?
Yellow lid removed and behind black tote?
Roof safety gear is not in the truck and/or properly put away?
Cab windows are rolled down?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken with the tailgate down from behind for pickups and from passenger side on Isuzu.
All personal items have been removed from the truck?
Truck keys left on designated hook (center cup holder if hook missing)

Isuzu- Lead Inspection (Friday)

Batguard put in cleaning station while leaving bucket beside and upside down?
Wash truck exterior with "Wash & Wax?"

Isuzu- Asst. Inspection

All trash has been removed from cab, bed, and toolbox of truck?
Water cooler emptied and left on warehouse shelf?
Upside-down (with lid above or behind) on top of corresponding shelf number.
Rider sign removed ("Coming Soon")?
Restock yard signs/stands in cab (8 min)?
SH tank on truck has been filled to tape?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo of brush quick connected directly to DI Tank. Ensure that bristles are facing up so protected from possible damage.
House wash tip placed in jug valley inside toolbox and hose rolled neatly below?
Yellow lid removed and behind black tote?
All personal items have been removed from the truck?

Isuzu- Asst. Inspection (Friday)

Rinse and flush out ALL pump sprayers?
Vacuum truck interior and bed?

Pickup- Inspection

Fueled up machine's aluminum fuel tank at QuikTrip?
Fuel up the truck (1/3 Tank or less)? *
Water cooler emptied and left on warehouse shelf?
Upside-down (with lid above or behind) on top of corresponding shelf number.
Neutralize truck exterior (turn off spigot after)?
Buffer tank drained to black line?
All trash has been removed from cab & bed of truck?
SH tank on truck has been filled to tape?
Dirty towels put in laundry hamper & replaced with clean towels?
All single-use supplies and extra equipment restocked?
Supplies: tape, ponchos, eye wash, ear plugs, etc. Equipment: sc bar, sw wand, discharge valve, hose, X-Jet jug, & pump sprayer. Supplies located next to roll up door on "M Rack" (above "Broken Equipment Shelf").
Rider sign removed ("Coming Soon")?
Restock yard signs/stands in cab (8 min)?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo of brush quick connected directly to DI Tank. Ensure that bristles are facing up so protected from possible damage.
Cab windows are rolled down?
Equipment is left organized and neat?
House wash and x-jet tips left in jug valley
Lid removed from black tote inside bed
Tailgate must be left in "up" position.
All ladder legs are fully closed?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken with the tailgate down from behind for pickups and from passenger side on Isuzu.
All personal items have been removed from the truck?
Truck keys left on designated hook (center cup holder if hook missing)

Pickup- Inspection (Friday)

Batguard put in cleaning station while leaving bucket beside and upside down?
Wash truck exterior with Wash & Wax?
Rinse and flush out ALL pump sprayers?
Vacuum truck interior and bed?

Install- Lead Inspection

Fuel up the truck (1/2 tank or less)? *
Dirty towels put in laundry hamper & replaced with clean towels?
Wash and Wax applied to the truck?
All ladders strapped with legs fully closed?
Batteries (2) Plugged into Charging Station
Roof safety gear is not in the truck and is properly put away?
Rope Grab and Carabiners have been sprayed with PB Blaster
Replace used Mini Lights Bins (as needed)
27 Gal Bins (2) of 72 Minis are on the truck. 1 bin is zip-tied.
Replace used C9 Bins (as needed)
27 Gal Bins (2) are on the truck. 1 bin is zip-tied.
Replace used X-Wire & Timers (as needed)
Ensure 6 Timers are in the Misc. Bin.
Replace used Clips Bins (as needed)
Ensure there are 2 bins of each clip type (Tabs, Tuffs, Stakes) with 1 bin zip tied as well as 1 full multi-clip bin.
Replace used Wreaths & Bows (as needed)
Ensure there are 2 36" and 30" Wreaths. Ensure there are 6 48" Wreaths and 4 12" Bows in Bin.
Replace used Garland (as needed)
Ensure there are 2 boxes of 2 Garland strands (4 ct).
Ladder Rack Banners Lowered Upon Parking
Cab windows are rolled down?
All personal items have been removed from the truck?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken with the tailgate down.
Truck keys left on designated hook (center cup holder if hook missing)

Install- Asst. Inspection

All trash has been removed from cab and bed of truck?
Rider sign removed ("Coming Soon")?
Restock yard signs/stands in cab (8 min)?
Water cooler emptied and left on warehouse shelf?
Upside-down (with lid above or behind) on top of corresponding shelf number.
All ladders strapped with legs fully closed?
Tools and Supples are left organized and neat
Ensure the packout is organized and neat.
Headlamps are placed on the chargers
All personal items have been removed from the truck?

Takedown- Lead Inspection

Fuel up the truck (1/4 tank or less)? *
Water cooler emptied and left on warehouse shelf?
Upside-down (with lid above or behind) on top of corresponding shelf number.
Dirty towels put in laundry hamper & replaced with clean towels?
All ladders strapped with legs fully closed?
Replace Totes
Cab windows are rolled down?
All personal items have been removed from the truck?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken with the tailgate down from behind for pickups and from passenger side on Isuzu.
Truck keys left on designated hook (center cup holder if hook missing)

Takedown- Asst. Inspection

All trash has been removed from cab, bed, and toolbox of truck?
Tools and Supples are left organized and neat
Roof safety gear is not in the truck and is properly put away?
Rope Grab and Carabiners have been sprayed with PB Blaster
Headlamps are placed on the chargers
All takedown bins put in station (lid off)
All personal items have been removed from the truck?

Equipment Repairs- Lead

Can this issue be fixed on job site?
Has broken item been replaced?
Is item tagged & on broken equipment shelf (if removable)?

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Tech Trial Day Report- All

Did the candidate seem comfortable walking on roofs or working from a ladder?
How proactive was the candidate in providing assistance?
From waiting to be told, to anticipating next steps.
How strongly do you think the candidate would succeed in this role (best is 10)?
Flush out valves & pump with water into discharge tank?
Connect SH dump, close valves (except SH), start compressor, shut carb, flush until compressor stops.
Do you think we should hire this candidate based on their performance today?
How excited does the candidate seem to work here? (most is 10)?

Daily Tech Report- Lead

Daily Tech Report- Assistant

Job #1

Exclude Callbacks

Job #2

Exclude Callbacks

Job #3

Exclude Callbacks

Job #4

Exclude Callbacks

Job #5

Notes & Signature


House soap bottle restocked?
House soap bottle restocked?
60, 48, 36, & 30 Inch Wreaths
Any items needed from the breakdown kit?
Unclipped bulbs, Clips, Timers, Xwire, etc.
Flush out valves & pump with water into discharge tank?
Connect SH dump, close valves (except SH), start compressor, shut carb, flush until compressor stops.
Did you replace the DI resin today?
House soap bottle restocked?
Flush out valves & pump with water into discharge tank?
Connect SH dump, close valves (except SH), start compressor, shut carb, flush until compressor stops.
Air drained out of air compressor, gas burned off in carburetor AND compressor is "OFF?"
Compressor Instructions: 1. Close tank drain valves below 2. Align pilot valve vertically 3. Open fuel valve 4. Open choke valve 5. Dial to "On" position 6. Pull to Start (Repeat as needed) After compressor starts: 7. Shut off Choke 8. Close pilot valve

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken of keys on hook. Located to left side of steering wheel.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken of keys on hook. Located to left side of steering wheel.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken of keys on hook. Located to left side of steering wheel.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken of keys on hook. Located to left side of steering wheel.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

Photo should be taken of keys on hook. Located to left side of steering wheel.

Maximum file size: 134.22MB

All SH ball valves are closed?
Wand & Drain

Breakdown Kit