Are you planning on cleaning the exterior of your home and not sure whether to go for soft washing or pressure cleaning? Well, in this post we’ve highlighted key differences between soft washing or pressure cleaning. This way, you’ll be able to tell which of the two you need for cleaning your exterior.
Over the year’s soft washing (also known as low-pressure cleaning) and pressure washing has proven to be a very confusing subject especially for consumers looking to take up either of the two in order to clean up their home(s). One of the reasons why this subject is so is misconceptions surrounding both soft washing and pressure washing. In particular, there are lots of misconceptions surrounding pressure cleaning (high-pressure cleaning). Many are under the impression that high-pressure washing might end up damaging handrails or even removing the textured finish. So is it true? Well, no.
Below we’ve highlighted differences between soft washing and pressure washing service. It is our hope that this will help ease your mind on matters of soft cleaning and pressure cleaning. Even better, you’ll be in a position to choose which method is best for cleaning your exterior.
What Is Pressure Washing?
Given the many misconceptions surrounding pressure washing, it is only right that we start with it. So what is pressure washing? Also known as high-pressure washing, this type of cleaning method basically relies on high pressure to remove dirt. A typical pressure washer machine has a pressure size of between 3500 and 4000. This is actually the type of pressure washer machines pros use. That said, a typical pressure washer machine comes equipped with nozzles that help accommodate a variety of spray patterns, a high-pressure hose, and lance.
What Is Soft Washing?
Also known as low-pressure cleaning, soft washing is a cleaning method that uses very low pressure. It highly relies on cleaning solutions to better improve results. That said there are lots of great solutions available when it comes to working with soft washing. This is especially the case if you choose to hire a professional to carry out your soft washing needs.
While there are no negatives associated with using low pressure such as damaging the surface of what you are cleaning, it is important that one looks into the cleaning solution used. In particular, it is important to make sure that you don’t use or the person you’ve hired doesn’t use harsh cleaning solutions. Harsh cleaning solutions can end up damaging certain surfaces or killing certain life forms.
Which Cleaning Method Is Best For Your Exterior Cleaning?
Now that you have a small brief about these two, the next step is determining which one of them is best. That said, soft washing, if looked at from a selling aspect is without a doubt an ideal method to use when cleaning your exterior. Consumers are always sold on the fact that soft washing is a safe cleaning method. However, if you are more focused on the results, in other words getting perfect results then pressure washing is ideal for cleaning your exterior. Furthermore, you won’t have to work your way around chemicals. Even better, it can help clean tough surfaces like driveways that soft washing can’t handle.
Having said that, knowing when to soft was or pressure clean is important when it comes to deciding whether to soft wash or pressure clean your exterior. It is recommended to go for pressure washing when you are dealing with something in the exterior of your home that has a tough substrate. This helps in ensuring that the pressure washing will not damage the substrate during the cleaning process. It is also best to seek the services of a professional. A professional will ensure they use the proper pressure to clean different substrates in your home’s exteriors. This helps in completely doing away with damage concerns.
If you opt to pressure wash your home’s exterior it is best that you do it the right way. This basically involves using the right chemical at just the right amount. If you are not sure, it is best to seek advice. Once you have the right solution, apply it properly on the exterior surface you are cleaning and let it sit for a while (5 minutes max). Proceed by rinsing the surface thoroughly using your pressure washer and ensure leave no contaminants. Another best practice is using professional-grade surfactant when carrying out pressure washing as this helps keep your cleaning solution wetter for long.
Soft washing is a little bit tricky as you are required to use a mixture of powerful cleaning. Keep in mind that the chemicals, despite being powerful shouldn’t be harmful. Again, you can always seek assistance if you are not sure about the right cleaning solution to use. For you to get desired results, always make sure that you use or apply the right amount of cleaning solution to the substrate you want to clean. Be careful on the landscape where you plan on cleaning using soft washing as the cleaning chemical can end up harming your plants or other living organisms.
In conclusion, it is always best to seek the services of a professional when it comes to cleaning your exterior. If you opt to do it yourself then try to limit the use of pressure cleaning on surfaces that are hard. This includes surfaces like bricks, treated lumber, and concrete. If you are looking at doing a re-paint, pressure washing is also ideal as a way of preparing the surface you intend on painting.
You should go for soft washing if you are looking at killing mildew or any other contaminants that might end up deteriorating the exterior of your home. Low-pressure washing is also a perfect cleaning method for your exterior if you want to remove a number of soft stains or if you are looking at brightening surfaces on your exterior.
All in all, always see to it that you properly maintain your exterior by frequently cleaning it with the ideal cleaning method. This helps maintain the appeal of your exterior. Additionally, exterior paint applications are bound to last long if you properly care for your exterior by cleaning it correctly.
Also, check out our next blog post about The Best Way To Clean Concrete